Where a child lives and which parent they live with is one of the most difficult issues for separating families. If family law proceedings have begun, the Court can make orders determining a child’s living arrangements, including the overnight time they spend at each parent’s house.
Like any difficult situation, some people use social media as a platform to vent their frustrations and share their thoughts. However, in family law proceedings, the way you behave on social media can affect your matter and how you present to the Court.
Following the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship, often a property settlement will need to take place to divide the assets of the relationship. One crucial factor the Court will need to determine is what are the future needs of each of the parties.
The Family Court has multiple specialised ‘lists’ where family law matters are heard. The Magellan List is one of these specialised lists which offers a focused case management pathway for the cases which involve the most vulnerable children to ensure that they are dealt with as effectively and efficiently as possible.
Significant Probate Office fee increases in Victoria will have an impact on executors and estate planning. This blog explores the recent increases in probate fees and how they may impact estates in Victoria. Executors of a deceased estate need to familiarise themselves with these new fees and processes.
When a person passes away and leaves a Will, the executor is responsible for applying for a Grant of Probate and distributing the estate. This process can be relatively straightforward if the executor and all the beneficiaries of the estate are readily available and cooperative. But what happens if an executor or beneficiary cannot be found?
A Grant of Probate ensures that the Will is valid and that the estate is distributed according to the deceased's wishes. The application process can be daunting and complicated for an executor and knowing where to begin can make the world of difference.
If you’re the executor of a Will, or you’re seeking to become an administrator of an estate where the deceased left no Will, it’s important to be aware of the probate office fees associated with applying for a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration.
In family law parenting matters, the Court can make parenting orders about how your child moves between their time with one parent to the other. This process is called ‘changeover’. Court orders may include where changeover is to take place and at what times.
Distributing a deceased estate can be a relatively straightforward process, and if the estate is not complex and there are no unusual factors, it can be completed in a relatively short time frame. However, before the executor can begin distributing the estate, there are a few things they must consider.
Knowing how to prepare for an initial appointment with a deceased estates lawyer will help minimise stress and ensure the process of probate progresses efficiently and effectively.
In family law matters, the law treats financial agreements made between all separated couples the same, regardless of marital status. We explore the purpose of financial agreements in family law, and importantly, how to make them legally binding.