A Grant of Probate or a Grant of Letters of Administration are the two ways in which a person can obtain a Grant of Representation. However, there are occasions when a Grant of Probate is not required, or not appropriate.
Probate is the process of the Court confirming that the Will is valid and the executor may distribute the assets of the deceased estate. Once probate is granted, the executor needs to attend to several steps before distributing the assets as outlined in the Will of the deceased.
When the issues in question are as important as your children, wellbeing, or home, it is important that you are at the forefront of the decision-making process. Mediation is one of several alternative dispute resolution processes in family law which can provide a forum for both parties to negotiate their options and reach an agreed resolution.
The timeframe for probate in Victoria can vary, depending on a number of factors. Generally, the official Court process of granting an application for a Grant of Probate, assuming the application is complete and accurate, will be 1-4 weeks. However, there are other matters that can delay probate.
Although there is no legal requirement to formalise agreement about parenting arrangements or property settlement, sometimes parties might prefer to make their agreement legally binding. Consent Orders are a way in which parties can formalise any agreement they have reached with their ex-partner.
Search orders are a type of court order that allows one party to search premises related to another party to locate and seize specific documents or other evidence related to a family law matter.
If you’re worried that your child may be taken overseas without your consent, and there are parenting orders or a court application on foot, your child can be placed on a list known as the Family Law Watchlist (formerly called the Airport Watchlist).
When couples separate, they usually need to divide up the property between them. This is known as property settlement in family law. Contrary to urban myth, there is no presumption at law that property will be distributed equally. That is, it’s not simply a 50:50 split.
We look at the difference between child support and adult child maintenance and how they are calculated. In a nutshell, child support is paid by one parent to another for children under 18 years old, while adult child maintenance is paid for children over 18.
It’s important to consider the superannuation held by both parties as part of any property settlement negotiations. But what if a party does not disclose, or under-discloses, their superannuation interests?
In October 2023, the Australian Parliament passed major changes to how parenting matters are dealt with in family law. These changes come into effect from May 2024. Importantly, they are NOT retrospective. Learn more about how these changes may impact parenting matters.
Probate is the process of officially proving the validity of a Will in deceased estate matters. The executor is the person who makes the probate application to the Supreme Court of Victoria. This guide to the probate application process is particularly helpful if you are the executor of a deceased estate.