
The team at Smith Family Law has over 30 years of family law and probate/estate litigation experience. We are experts in our field with the technical skills and foresight to provide practical and outcome focused advice to our clients from the outset.

We listen to your needs and provide clear advice so that we can resolve matters in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Smith Family Law services clients across Victoria in family law, probate and estate litigation, with offices in Melbourne, Sunshine and Williamstown.

We focus on negotiating settlements and resolving issues quickly and amicably with the aim to keep both costs and stress to a minimum. We help empower our clients through one of the most stressful times in their lives while acknowledging that agreement will not always be reached. If that happens in your case, we provide expert representation and guidance at court.

Providing a high level of service, empathy and understanding for our clients is at the core of what we do.

How can we help you today?

03 8625 8957 [email protected]

We're here to help deliver a clear path forward to secure your family's future. Getting professional advice early is a great step.

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Latest Blogs & News

After separation, can my child decide which parent they wish to live with?

After separation, can my child decide which parent they wish to live with?

Where a child lives and which parent they live with is one of the most difficult issues for separating families. If family law proceedings have begun, the Court can make orders determining a child’s living arrangements, including the overnight time they spend at each parent’s house.
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How social media can affect your family law matter

How social media can affect your family law matter

Like any difficult situation, some people use social media as a platform to vent their frustrations and share their thoughts. However, in family law proceedings, the way you behave on social media can affect your matter and how you present to the Court.
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How are future needs considered in family law property settlement?

How are future needs considered in family law property settlement?

Following the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship, often a property settlement will need to take place to divide the assets of the relationship. One crucial factor the Court will need to determine is what are the future needs of each of the parties.
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The Magellan List – Family Court Australia

The Magellan List – Family Court Australia

The Family Court has multiple specialised ‘lists’ where family law matters are heard. The Magellan List is one of these specialised lists which offers a focused case management pathway for the cases which involve the most vulnerable children to ensure that they are dealt with as effectively and efficiently as possible.
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